Strange being awake and upright for a change. I definintely overdid it on Saturday. I had a 'date' with Catboy who I met on the internet. He's a basic nice guy, but he kind of looks like a serial killer, so I haven't made up my mind about him yet. We went to the Bronx Zoo, going against my better instincts. I try never to go there on the weekends and during the summer because of the crowd factor. Spent too much of the day trying not to step on children so I could see the tigers going through their paces. I had also forgotten how much walking is involved, so by the time we left, I was exhausted and my back was killing me. Then in the middle of changing subways going home, we got separated. We finally met up again at 14th street and headed to the Lakeside for cold refreshing beverages. A few too many cold refreshing beverages. There's a hole in my memory and the next thing I know I was projectile vomiting on my bedroom floor. Very attractive. The Boy put me to bed, slept on the couch and split in the morning. I was still barfy when I woke up (my aim was better this time) so I just stayed in bed the whole day. So now I still have to catch up to the Sunday paper and also have to deal with Social Security today. Good times.
Perhaps as a positive omen there's a cardinal singing out in my backyard (the red bird not the church figure). Should be all uphill from here.
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